Trade News

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Oct 13, 2021

New Rules for Canadian Food Exports to China

Companies that export medium risk food products to China (including exporters, processing plants, and cold and dry storage… Read more 

Oct 13, 2021

CBSA decides fastener exporter is dumping goods into Canadian market

If you import certain carbon steel fasteners extrusion products from Chinese firm Qifeng, the CBSA has decided you’ll… Read more 

Oct 6, 2021

Have Your Say: U.S. Trade Representative Accepting Comments about Reinstating Certain China Section 301 Exclusions

U.S. importers should be aware that the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) will start accepting written comments about reinstating… Read more 

Oct 5, 2021

Canadian Waste and Recyclables Handlers Must Now Use CNMTS for Cross-Border Transport

If you move hazardous waste and recyclable materials across the border, be aware that it will be mandatory… Read more 

Oct 5, 2021

News for Canadian Waste and Recyclable Importers and Exporters: U.S. EPA Notification to Experience Shutdown

Canadian companies that import or export waste or recyclable materials should be aware that the U.S. EPA’s notification… Read more 

Oct 5, 2021

New Regulations Impact Canadian Control of Cross-Border Plastic Waste

Canadian companies who export or transport plastic waste out of the country are subject to regulations that came… Read more 

Oct 5, 2021

Canadian Waste and Recyclable Materials Importers and Exporters Subject to New Regulations

Canadian companies that export or import waste or recyclable materials should be aware of new regulations that affect… Read more 

Oct 4, 2021

CBSA concludes an aluminum extrusion exporter dumping goods into Canadian market

If you import aluminum extrusion products from Chinese firm Fujian Fenan, the CBSA has ruled you’ll be paying… Read more 

Oct 4, 2021

Canadian Government Set to Review Expiry on Large Line Pipe SIMA Case

The large line pipe (LLP) SIMA case found in the Measures in Force, is set to expire on… Read more 

Oct 4, 2021

Good News for Importers of Certain Kinds of Heavy Plate and Stainless-Steel Wire: Additional Safeguard Tax Set to Expire

Companies that import certain heavy plate and certain stainless-steel wire will benefit from the expiry of the safeguard… Read more