Section 232 duties on aluminum and steel products and derivatives effective March 12, 2025
On February 10, 2025, President Trump issued Proclamations 10895 and 10896 imposing ad valorem tariffs on Imports of Aluminum and Steel and their derivatives on all countries at 25% and took effect March 12, 2025.
CSMS message numbers 64348288 and 64348411 provide further guidance on the 25% import duty.
Effective on or after 12:01 am EST on March 12, 2025, the 25% duty applies to the following Harmonized Tariff Schedule classifications:
Aluminum and Aluminum Derivatives
- 9903.85.02: Aluminum products except derivative articles listed in subdivision (g).
- 9903.85.04: Derivative aluminum products listed in subdivision (i) (existing aluminum derivative articles subject to Section 232).
- 9903.85.07: Derivative aluminum products listed in subdivision (j) (new aluminum derivative articles classified in Chapter 76 subject to Section 232).
- 9903.85.08: Derivative aluminum products (new aluminum derivative articles not classified in Chapter 76 subject to Section 232)
The following HTS classification and 0 percent duty rate applies:
- 9903.85.09: Derivative steel articles listed in subdivision (j) or (k) (new derivative aluminum articles), where the derivative aluminum products were processed in another country from aluminum articles that were smelted and cast in the United States.
Steel and Steel Derivatives
- 9903.81.88: Iron or steel products (including those classified under General Approved Exclusions, or GAEs).
- 9903.81.93: All iron or steel derivative products, except as noted below:
- 9903.81.91: Iron or steel derivative products classified outside of Chapter 73.
The following HTS classification and 0 percent duty rate applies:
- 9903.81.92: Iron or steel derivative products with a melt and pour of United States.
Please Note:
- No Drawback available.
- Importer-specific exclusions will remain in effect until they expire, or the product volume is filled, whichever occurs first.
- All GAEs expired March 11, 2025.
- Section 232 tariff rate and absolute quotas expired March 11,2025.
Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ)
Aluminum and Steel articles and their derivatives, except goods eligible for admission under “domestic status”, that is admitted into a U.S. FTZ on or after 12:01 am EST March 12,2025, must be admitted and granted “privileged foreign status” and are subject to any ad valorem rates upon entry for consumption.
For Aluminum and Steel Derivatives with duty determined based on content, reporting of smelt and cast (aluminum) and melt and pour(steel) is required.
General questions may be directed to your Livingston account representative.