Reporting deadline for bisphenol A and BPA structural analogues and functional alternatives fast approaching

The Government of Canada would like to remind you that the deadline for responding to the Notice with respect to bisphenol A (BPA) and BPA structural analogues and functional alternatives, published on November 13th, 2021 in the Canada Gazette, Part I, is March 16th, 2022. These reporting requirements affect items that were imported or manufactured with a total quantity greater than 10 kg of BPA or BPA SAFAs substances or contained in certain manufactured products that were imported. Businesses affected by these regulations must file reports by the deadline or risk penalties.

Please note the following:

  • A request for an extension of time to comply with the Notice can be submitted to the Minister of the Environment under subsection 71(4) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. The request must be submitted prior to the deadline by email.
  • To determine whether this notice applies to you, refer to section 2 of the notice.
  • Responses to the notice can be made by downloading and completing an Excel Reporting File and submitting it through Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Single Window.
  • Any person not subject to this notice, who has an interest in a substance or has information the Government may find useful on these substances, may identify themselves and submit this information through a Declaration of Stakeholder Interest (SHI) via Single Window.
  • Persons who do not meet the requirements of the notice and have no interest in the substances may submit a Declaration of Non-Engagement (DNE) by email.
  • Refer to the Information gathering initiatives and Guidance manual web pages for additional information on responding to the notice, including detailed steps on how to submit the Excel Reporting File, SHI and DNE.

If you require information from your foreign suppliers in order to respond to the notice, a letter for communicating with your foreign suppliers is available upon request by email.

For any questions, please contact the Substances Management Information Line. If using email, please indicate “BPA SAFA Notice Inquiry” in the subject line.

Telephone: 1-800-567-1999 (Toll Free in Canada) or 1-819-938-3232 (Outside of Canada)
