Further Canadian Sanctions on Russia and Belarus

Canada announces more sanctions and has further amended the Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations and the Special Economic Measures (Belarus) Regulations.

The Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations were recently amended and updated with several changes on sanctions over the past few weeks on individuals, entities, imports, and exports. The amendments also, prohibit any person in Canada and any Canadian outside Canada from importing specific petroleum products listed in a new Schedule 5 of the regulations. The specific list of petroleum products can be found here.

Canada also prohibits any ship that is registered in Russia or used, leased or chartered, in whole or in part, by or on behalf of or for the benefit of Russia, a person in Russia or a designated person from docking in Canada or passing through Canadian waters. These updates have important ramifications and penalties include fines worth thousands of dollars may apply if persons who fail to comply. You may wish to consider seeking legal advice in relation to an activity that may contravene a Canadian sanction law.

Announcement of restrictions on vessels and aircraft information is found on Transport Canada website.
1) Government of Canada prohibits Russian ships and fishing vessels from entering Canadian ports and internal waters

2) Government of Canada prohibits Russian aircraft to enter Canadian airspace

Review Canadian sanctions related to Russia and Canada sanctions – Russia invasion of Ukraine which provides details of the related sanctions.

Belarus is also subject to Canadian sanctions to individuals and certain entities for their support. of the Russian Federation’s violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. Petroleum goods and potassium chloride is also prohibited. Regulations were amended recently under the Special Economic Measures (Belarus) Regulations.

Review  Canadian Sanctions Related to Belarus providing details of the most recent sanctions against Belarus.