If you are a food importer, exporter, a manufacturer and preparer of food or sell food sold across the provinces then be aware of CFIA proposed changes coming in force next year. It is projected to be implemented for possible Spring 2018.
The proposed Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR) introduces modern food safety requirements for businesses that import food, or prepare food to be exported or sold across provinces. These regulations will have a direct impact throughout the food supply chain, and will affect the way many manufacturers and importers conduct business in Canada.
The key elements of the proposed regulations are based on international food safety best practices – for example, having preventative control plans (PCP) and traceability systems in place. In addition, under the proposed regulations, previously non-federally registered food sectors will be subject to the licensing regime and CFIA oversight. The non-federally registered sector encompasses a wide range of products, including infant foods, spices, bakery products, fats and oils, snack foods, and cereal products.
In addition to the three key food safety elements, certain commodity-specific requirements for food safety will remain in place where appropriate. For example, the current regulations require imported meat products to be sourced from a country with an inspection system that is approved by the Minister under the MIA. This requirement will be maintained in the proposed Regulations.
Visit Livingston web page on CFIA Modernization information and timelines. Review our 5 part series Present and Future detailing the impact on Licensing, Traceability, PCP, and implementation timelines, other resources and Fact Sheets guides on how this will impact your business.
The “My CFIA” is an online service for various online applications, for licences, registration, permits, authorizations, export certification. Consult the roll-out plan and sign up for “My CFIA”.