CBSA updates memorandum to include information on prohibition of goods produced by prisoners or forced labour

Canada Border  Services Agency (CBSA) recently updated Memorandum D9-1-6 to include information on Canada’s import prohibition on goods mined, manufactured or produced wholly or in part by forced labour as established by the Canada–United States–Mexico Agreement Implementation Act. For importers, these updates have important ramifications on the goods they can and cannot bring into the country.

The updates include the following:

  • Information on the Labour Program of Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)’s role in assisting the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) with the identification goods the importation of which is prohibited under tariff item 9897.00.00 – manufactured or produced by prison labour or mined, manufactured or produced by forced labour (hereafter produced by prison or forced labour) – has been added.
  • A new section on  documentary requirements has been added
  • This Memorandum incorporates the information from CBSA Customs Notice 20-23 – Import prohibition on goods produced wholly or in part by forced labour.

The Labour Program of ESDC is the Government of Canada’s lead department for labour-related programs. The CBSA works closely with ESDC to identify goods that have been produced by prisoners or forced labour to prevent their entry into Canada. The Labour Program of ESDC researches relevant facts related to problematic supply chains and prepares reports signalling when goods are likely mined, manufactured or produced by forced labour. These reports are shared with the CBSA.
The CBSA may use this information to identify and detain, upon importation, suspected goods produced by prisoners or forced labour, the importation of which is prohibited under tariff item No. 9897.00.00.

Anyone wishing to share relevant information on prisoners or forced labour practices, including problematic global supply chains, that can support the Labour Program of ESDC in conducting its research and analysis can communicate at the following address:

Additional information on the role of the Labour Program of ESDC in supporting the prohibition on importing goods produced by prisoners or forced labour can be found at here.

If you want to report suspected cases of prohibited goods being imported into Canada, including goods produced by prisoners or forced labour, please contact the CBSA’s Border Watch Tip Line.

To review D9-1-6 guidelines and for general information, please visit: