CBSA concludes normal value review of piling pipe exporter from China

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), on April 29, 2024, concluded a normal value and export price review of Tak International Trading (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. located in China, an exporter of products subject to the Piling pipe SIMA case. The review follows requests for re-determination filed by an importer.

During the review, Tak International did not provide sufficient information in their response to CBSA’s request for information (RFI). As such, normal values or specific amounts of subsidy were not issued and the “All Other Exporters” anti-dumping duty and subsidy rates will continue to apply on imports of subject goods from this exporter.

Importers are remined that, if using the services of a customs broker to clear their importations, the brokerage firm should be advised whether the goods are or are not subject to anti-dumping and countervailing duties and be provided with sufficient information necessary to clear the shipments.

Details regarding the conclusion are available here.