Trade News

U.S. regulatory updates

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Mar 20, 2018

Want To Be Excluded From Steel & Aluminum Tariffs? Here’s How

The Section 232 Presidential Proclamations 9704 and 9705 to protect United States’ national security issued on March 8,… Read more 

Mar 16, 2018

Duties on coniferous shingles and sawn shakes from Canada

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency has issued a Cargo System Messaging Service (CSMS) notice 18-000223… Read more 

Mar 15, 2018

Rough Diamond Exportation Procedures

US Customs & Border Protection (CBP) is reminding the trade community all rough diamond shipments exported under the… Read more 

Mar 9, 2018

Here’s What Importers Need to Know About the US’s New Steel & Aluminum Tariffs

On March 8, 2018, President Trump signed Presidential Proclamations on steel and aluminum following the recommendations presented by… Read more 

Mar 9, 2018

CBP Announces Temporary Handling of Commercial Agriculture Shipments at the Port of Ogdensburg, NY, Effective March 12, 2018

US Customs & Border Protection (CBP) has announced effective March 12, 2018, the Port of Ogdensburg, NY, will… Read more 

Mar 5, 2018

Commerce delivers report to White House on Section 232 Investigations of Steel and Aluminum

In April 2017, the President Trump issued two executive orders directing the US Department of Commerce (DOC) to… Read more 

Mar 2, 2018

Compliance Dates for the Final Rule on FSVP for Importers of Food for Humans and Animals

Expiry of delayed FSVP provisions Food importers are subject to the Foreign Supplier Verification Programs (FSVP), a program… Read more 

Feb 14, 2018

AMS Holding Vote on Continuance of Marketing Fee on Softwood Lumber

The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) division of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is holding a referendum on… Read more 

Feb 14, 2018

Importing Commercial Shipments of Dogs into the U.S.

The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) division of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) posted their… Read more 

Feb 8, 2018

CBP Announces Web Posting for Official Notices of Extension, Suspension, and Liquidation

US Customs & Border Protection (CBP) has announced their webpage for official liquidation notices, titled “Official Notices of… Read more