Canada consults on further measures to protect Canadian workers

The federal government has recently been taking action to level the playing field for Canadian workers in the auto sector and related manufacturing supply chains who currently face unfair competition from Chinese producers.

The most recent measure being the October 2024 implementation of Surtax on Electric Vehicles and certain steel and aluminum goods from China, announced On August 26, 2024, following a first 30-day consultation,

Further to the above, on September 10, 2024, the Government announced a second 30 day consultation on the possible implementation of surtaxes on critical mineral products, batteries and parts, solar products, and semiconductors, as well as the timing of the coming into force of any potential measures.

This second consultation will run from September 10 to October 10, 2024. Comments and feedback can be emailed to [email protected], including “Critical manufacturing consultation” in the subject line.

Or by mail to:

International Trade Policy Division (Critical manufacturing consultation)
Department of Finance
90 Elgin Street, 14th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G5

Please refer to Consultations on potential surtaxes in response to unfair Chinese trade practices in critical manufacturing sectors – for additional details regarding the consultation process.